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Robertson Ranch In Carlsbad


To start, let me say that I would love to live at Robertson Ranch in Carlsbad. This beautiful development by Toll Brothers, located high on a hill in Carlsbad has it all.


The homes have been exquisitely designer with nothing held back in terms of luxury, elegance and style. I was very impressed with the size and scale on which each home was built. Don’t worry if you won’t have the largest yard in the area because its all offset by the large living spaces and fine touches. The model home I visited all had amazing entertaining space and water features for cooling and relaxing. A lot of people don’t want large yards because of maintenance involved. Robertson Ranch capitalizes on the fine details of enjoyment. Home owners will enjoy the best of North County San Diego. Home are located very close to the 5 free way, but not close enough to hear a sound. In fact the development is so quite and peaceful, you would be pleasantly shocked.

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